October 2021: Domestic Violence

October 2021


Domestic Violence 

What is domestic violence?

Domestic violence is a pattern of abusive behaviors that People use to maintain power and control over their family members, partners, or former partners. People who abuse their partners use a variety of tactics to coerce, intimidate, threaten and frighten their victims. Coercive control is a term often used to describe how an abuser purposely diminishes their partner’s freedoms as a way to strengthen their authority by withholding resources and taking away the survivor’s rights and liberties. The abuse often includes:

  • physical violence
  • sexual violence
  • emotional abuse
  • economic abuse
  • isolation
  • pet abuse
  • threats relating to children
  • A variety of other behaviors meant to increase fear, intimidation, and power over the victim.

Florida legally defines "domestic violence" as any assault, aggravated assault, battery, aggravated battery, sexual assault, sexual battery, stalking, aggravated stalking, kidnapping, false imprisonment, or any criminal offense resulting in physical injury or death of one family or household member by another family or household member. FSS- 741.28

Domestic violence can happen to anyone, anytime, in all kinds of families, and relationships. However, most domestic violence is committed by men, and women are five times more likely than men to be victimized by a partner. Abusers and victims/survivors represent all ages, races, religions, cultures, genders, sexual orientations, marital status, and economic status. The violence abusers perpetrate is a public health concern; affecting workplaces, health care, educational systems, social services, child welfare, and criminal justice systems.

Abusers cause harm to their children who may see or hear the abuse being committed or directly experience harm, injury, or abuse that is intentional, inadvertent, or during a child’s attempt to protect the non-abusive parent or caregiver who is being abused. Children may show signs of trauma such as higher levels of aggressive behavior, depression, and anxiety, difficulty getting along with others, and difficulty performing well in school. Not all child observers of domestic violence become batterers or tolerate abuse. Children react to their environment in different ways and age and gender are considerations in how a child is affected by the violence. The potential to heal from the effects of the abuse and enhance a families’ resilience and well-being comes from supporting the safety and well-being of the non-abusive parent or caregiver.

What is dating violence?

Similar to domestic violence, dating violence is a pattern of behaviors where an individual exerts power and control over their partner through fear, intimidation, and often the threat or use of violence. Dating violence can happen in person or electronically, and can include:

  • Physical violence,
  • Sexual violence,
  • Emotional abuse,
  • Verbal abuse.

Some examples include:

  • physical violence: throwing objects, punching walls or doors, or threats of violence
  • sexual violence: threatening to break up with partner due to intimacy issues, unwanted touching or teasing
  • emotional abuse: statements intended to cause fear or cause someone to question their value or self-worth
  • verbal abuse: name-calling, yelling, spreading rumors

Florida’s legal definition of dating violence means “violence between individuals who have or have had a continuing and significant relationship of a romantic or intimate nature. The dating relationship must have existed within the past six months with the expectation of affection or intimacy between the parties.” The partners in the relationship must have been together and involved over time. This is the definition considered by the courts when victims/survivors file a petition for a civil order of protection against their abuser for repeat violence, sexual violence, or dating violence. FSS 784.046(d).

Safety Considerations 

If you are experiencing domestic violence, you may want to consider developing a safety plan. 

Things to consider: 

  • What strategies or actions have worked in the past to keep safe? Will they work in your current situation?
  • Is there someone you can go to if you need to escape quickly?
  • Is it safe to involve the police or a trusted friend?
  • Is it possible you are being followed, stalked, or tracked through your mobile device or social media accounts? Consider having your phone examined if you think that is the case.
  • Do you have an emergency bag of important papers, emergency supplies, and finances if you need to leave in a hurry?
  • Have you talked about your plan with anyone? Who is safe to share your ideas with?
  • Have you called a domestic violence hotline to talk with someone who understands domestic violence and can help you come up with your plan and provide resources?

If children are involved, consider their safety as well.

  • Pack a bag for children that includes a change of clothing, a stuffed animal, diaper/wipes, or items you may need for a quick escape.
  • Consider speaking to the school about safety concerns.
  • Talk to the children about technology safety when using devices that can be tracked. For example, making sure all GPS has turned off any devices they may be using.

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE HOTLINE 1-800-500-119 or Florida Relay 711

The above information was obtained through the Florida Department of Children and Families. 


Citizen's Advisory Committee - Come see what your Police Department is doing for you. 

The Winter Springs Police Department wants your input at our Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) meeting. CAC meets on the second Wednesday of the month from September through May. CAC does not meet during the summer months. Join us and meet community leaders, discuss community issues with the Police Department staff and learn more about taking an active role in the security of your community. 

The CAC meets at the Winter Springs Police Department (300 N. Moss Rd.) at 6:30 pm. Everyone who attends is encouraged to ask questions and talk about what is going on in their neighborhood. Light refreshments are served. 

Always remember, if you see something unusual, do not hesitate to notify the Police. If you see something, say something! If you feel uncomfortable about calling the police department, you can report suspicious activity anonymously. In addition, you can call 1-800-423-TIPS or report at www.crimeline.org. You do not have to give your name. 

Help the Winter Springs Police Department: 

Be a crime-stopper, not a victim. Lock your car and report suspicious activity. 

Emergency | 911

Non-Emergency | 407-327-1000