How can I conserve water? - Bathroom

Installing low flow faucet aerators is an inexpensive and simple way to conserve water. A faucet aerator is a device that screws onto the end of the faucet and mixes air into the water, so it reduces the flow of water while providing pressure. Aerators can reduce flow to as low as 0.5 gallons per minute (gpm). Most standard faucets are equipped with an aerator that flows at 2.2 gpm or higher. Regardless of what type of aerator you have, you should always turn off the water while lathering hands for washing, brushing teeth, shaving, etc. 


The toilet is one of the largest users of water in the household. Replacing your old toilet with a new low flow model can save thousands of gallons per year. Low flow toilets require as little as 0.8 gallons of water per flush while older model toilets use approximately 4 gallons per flush. If you do not want to replace your existing toilet, you can make it more efficient by installing a low flow toilet flapper that reduces the amount of water you use per flush. You can also place an object such as a plastic water bottle filled with sand or gravel into the tank to displace water and reduce the amount of water needed to fill the tank.

A low flow shower head can use as little as 1.25 gallons per minute (gpm) depending on the model. Standard shower heads typically use 2.5 gpm. Installing a low flow showerhead and reducing the amount of time you spend in the shower can greatly reduce water usage. Taking a short shower will use less water than a bath. A typical bathtub requires 70 gallons of water to fill, while a 5 minute shower using a low flow shower head can use as little as 6.5 gallons.