Reclaimed Water

water tank

Reclaimed Water: There are 24 miles of force mains, 112 miles of gravity mains, and 43 lift stations that transport wastewater from homes and business to 2 wastewater treatment facilities in the City. There are currently 1,711 reclaimed water connections.

  • Wastewater Treatment Plant 1 is located by the Winter Springs Golf Course on the west side of the Highlands community.
  • Wastewater Treatment Plant 2 is located by Sam Smith Park in Tuscawilla.

The facilities treat all the grey water, such as from showers, washers, and sinks, as well as sewage. The wastewater is treated to a degree that it is free of bacteria and other contaminants and is then supplied back to the public in the form of reclaimed water. Excess reclaimed water that is not used by utility customers is disposed of in one of 5 percolation ponds or spray fields throughout the City. These are areas where water is allowed to percolate into the ground and back into the aquifer.

In 2012, the City finished construction of the Lake Jesup Augmentation Facility. Located just north of the dog park on the shore of Lake Jesup, the facility consists of pumps and a storage tank to draw water from Lake Jesup for the purpose of irrigation. If needed to meet irrigation demand, this water is used to supplement the existing reclaimed water supply.

Reclaimed water is used only for lawn irrigation and is a great way to save money. Reclaimed water is currently charged at a lower rate than potable water and there are no sewer fees. Residents are also permitted to irrigate with reclaimed water 2 days per week all year, rather than irrigating only 1 day per week during Standard Time, as is required for all potable customers and those residents with an irrigation well. Reclaimed water is safe and does not contain bacteria, viruses, or other contaminants. It can have a higher salt and nutrient content, which is why it is not safe for consumption. The University of Florida states that reclaimed water can safely be used to irrigate vegetable or fruit crops that will be cooked or peeled before consumption.