How can I conserve water? - Kitchen

Installing low flow faucet aerators is an inexpensive and simple way to conserve water. A faucet aerator is device that screws onto the end of the faucet and mixes air into the water, so it reduces the flow of water while providing pressure. Aerators can reduce flow to as low as 0.5 gallons per minute (gpm). Most standard faucets are equipped with an aerator that flows at 2.2 gpm or higher.

Replacing your older model dishwasher with a new energy efficient model can reduce water and energy usage. Older model washers use as much as 11 gallons of water per cycle. Newer, more efficient models use as little as 4 gallons per cycle. If you wash dishes by hand, be sure to fill the sink with a small amount of soapy water and rinse water rather than running the faucet while you wash.

Try not to utilize the garbage disposal. Start a compost pile or put the garbage in the trash.