Winter Springs Pond Sediment Cleanup Project

A map of the Winter Springs showing the 5 Pond Sediment Removal Project locations


This page is where the City of Winter Springs will provide weekly updates about the progress of the pond sediment cleanup within the City.

Starting Tuesday, May 21, 2024, crews contracted with the City of Winter Springs will begin removing sediment from several stormwater ponds within the City.

Thanks to a grant from the Natural Resources Conservation Services (NRCS), Zulu Marine Services of Savanah, Georgia, will begin removing excess sediment from stormwater pipe outfalls to restore functionality in five separate ponds within the City. 

The $169,000 project, approved by the City Commission on May 6, 2024, will start with work at Torcaso Park and take several weeks to complete.

Work will occur Monday through Friday from 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM 

Under the terms of the grant, the NRCS will contribute up to 75% of the project's total cost, with the City covering the remaining 25%.

Update June 14, 2024

On June 7, 2024, crews with Zulu Marine completed work on all six sites within the City. On Friday, June 14, 2024, representatives from Zulu, NRCS, Pegasus Engineering, and the City of Winter Springs conducted a final walk-through of all sites to ensure the project was completed satisfactorily and any remaining aesthetic issues were addressed. All work was completed in 24 days, with crews removing just over 500 tons of sediment from all sites.

Update June 4, 2024

Crews have moved on to sites 4 and 6 this week. Weather permitting, work is estimated to be completed by the end of the workweek. Once complete, crews will move to site 5.

Update May 30, 2024 

On Thursday, May 30, 2024, the contractors working with the City of Winter Springs completed their work on Site 2 near the 900 block of Chokecherry Court and Site 3 near the 900 block of Oak Forest Drive.

The next phase of work will take place at Site 6 near the 1800 block of Seneca Boulevard.

Residents should be aware that heavy equipment will be in the area, and all possible measures will be taken to minimize any disruptions to the surrounding neighborhoods.

Update May 23, 2024 

On Thursday, May 23, 2024, contractors with the City of Winter Springs completed work on the stormwater pond at Torcaso Park, removing dozens of truckloads of sediment from stormwater outflow.

Work will now progress to Site 2 near the 900 block of Chokecherry Court and Site 3 near the 900 block of Oak Forest Drive. 

Residents are advised that heavy equipment will be in the area, and all efforts will be made to minimize impacts on surrounding neighborhoods.

Week of May 21, 2024 

Contractors with the City of Winter Springs began work on removing excess sediment from the stormwater outflow at Torcaso Park. Work will continue over the next few days while Zulu Marine Services removes sediment buildup from the stormwater pond to enhance its functionality. This is the first of five city-maintained ponds designated for this project. 

In all Zulu removed 24 calendar days



Click any thumbnail image to view a slideshow

Orange sidewalk closed sign next to a sidewalk that is painted light blue
A shot of green weeds on top of a sediment pile up in a pond
A man wearing boots and a hat standing in water with a yellow debris barrier in front of him
A man in boots and wearing a hat stadning in the middle of a pond with a pole measuring the depth of the ater
A worker in a yellow safety shirt and hat tying a rope
a man in a yellow shirt and white hat ties a rope to a yellow debris barrier
A man wearing boots and a hat standing in water with a yellow debris barrier in front of him
a shot of green water and an outflow pipe