How Can I Conserve Water?

Installing low flow faucet aerators is an inexpensive and simple way to conserve water. A faucet aerator is a device that screws onto the end of the faucet and mixes air into the water, so it reduces the flow of water while providing pressure. Aerators can reduce flow to as low as 0.5 gallons per minute (gpm). Most standard faucets are equipped with an aerator that flows at 2.2 gpm or higher. Regardless of what type of aerator you have, you should always turn off the water while lathering hands for washing, brushing teeth, shaving, etc. 

If the hot water takes a long time to reach the faucet, consider installing a hot water recirculator that will give hot water much faster. If that is not within your budget, keep a bucket under the sink that you can catch the cold water in while you are waiting. You can use this to water plants, give to pets, etc.

Installing low flow faucet aerators is an inexpensive and simple way to conserve water. A faucet aerator is device that screws onto the end of the faucet and mixes air into the water, so it reduces the flow of water while providing pressure. Aerators can reduce flow to as low as 0.5 gallons per minute (gpm). Most standard faucets are equipped with an aerator that flows at 2.2 gpm or higher.

Installing a water efficient washing machine will save significant amounts of water and electricity. Older model washers can use as much as 40 gallons of water per load, while more efficient washers use as little as 15 gallons per load. More efficient models also require less energy and spin the clothes more efficiently so it takes less time to dry them.

Depending on the size of your yard, the majority of your water use could go to irrigation. Being able to program your irrigation clock is important.